SQL Query to Get Employees Absence Plan Balance
Below SQL query will help you to get accrual balance for any absence plan, just change the plan name for which you need to get the accrual balance.
select papf.person_number, ppnf.DISPLAY_NAME Person_Name, houft.NAME LegalEmployer, aapft.name as Balance_Name, to_char(appe.enrt_st_dt,'DD/MM/YYYY') Enrollment_Start_Date, to_char(appe.last_accrual_run,'DD/MM/YYYY') Balance_Calculation_Date, apae.end_bal Absence_Plan_Balance From per_all_people_f papf, per_person_names_f ppnf, per_all_assignments_m paam, per_periods_of_service ppos, HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_F_TL houft, anc_per_plan_enrollment appe, anc_absence_plans_f_tl aapft, anc_per_accrual_entries apae Where 1=1 and ppnf.person_id = papf.person_id and ppnf.name_type (+)= 'GLOBAL' and papf.person_id = paam.person_id and paam.primary_flag = 'Y' and paam.assignment_type = 'E' and paam.effective_latest_change ='Y' and ppos.period_of_service_id = paam.period_of_service_id AND ppos.date_start = (select max(date_start) from per_periods_of_service ppos1 where 1=1 and ppos1.person_id = papf.person_id and period_type = 'E') and houft.organization_id = paam.legal_entity_id and houft.LANGUAGE = 'US' and appe.Person_id = papf.Person_id and aapft.absence_plan_id = appe.plan_id and aapft.LANGUAGE = 'US' and apae.per_plan_enrt_id = appe.per_plan_enrt_id and apae.accrual_period = appe.last_accrual_run and SYSDATE between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date and SYSDATE between ppnf.effective_start_date and ppnf.effective_end_date and SYSDATE between paam.effective_start_date and paam.effective_end_date and SYSDATE BETWEEN houft.effective_start_date AND houft.effective_end_date and SYSDATE between appe.enrt_st_dt and appe.enrt_end_dt
Query to Get Employee’s Default Expense Account
Below is the query to get employees default expense account available on Person management screen.
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