Like in India we submit Form16 at the end of every financial year we submit either Form IRP5 or IT3A in South Africa. Post Oracle Tax Year End processing for SARS (South African Revenue Service) can give you more information about processing IRP5 and IT3A files for south Africa legislation.
Some time when you are creating any new element you may need to link the element with a specific sars code. Sometime you would also like to know what is the SARS code associated with an element. Following query will give you the SARS code linked with any element. In the query just pass the element you would like to check
SARS code for IRP5 and IT3A
SELECT element_name "Element Name", pbt.balance_name "Balance Name", irp5.CODE "SARS Code" FROM apps.pay_balance_types pbt, apps.pay_element_types_f petf, apps.pay_input_values_f pivf, apps.pay_balance_feeds_f pbff, apps.pay_za_irp5_bal_codes irp5 WHERE petf.element_name = 'iavinash – oracle hcm and wordpress hub' /* Give your element name here*/ AND pbt.balance_type_id = pbff.balance_type_id AND petf.element_type_id = pivf.element_type_id AND pbff.input_value_id = pivf.input_value_id AND SYSDATE BETWEEN petf.effective_start_date AND petf.effective_end_date AND SYSDATE BETWEEN pivf.effective_start_date AND pivf.effective_end_date AND SYSDATE BETWEEN pbff.effective_start_date AND pbff.effective_end_date AND pbt.LEGISLATION_CODE = 'ZA' AND pbt.BALANCE_TYPE_ID = irp5.BALANCE_TYPE_ID AND petf.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE > sysdate AND pbff.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE > sysdate ORDER BY petf.element_name, pbt.balance_name
In the above query to get SARS code for IRP5 and IT3A files you can see that SARS code is actually linked to Balance and not element. An element may be feeding to more than one balance so apparently an element may also be linked with more than one SARS code.
I would also like to inform that IRP5 or IT3A are issue only to employees and IT3A is issued only if there was no tax paid by an employee in the whole financial year.